JULY 31, 2024

a gif of the title frames from gender troublemakers (1993)

currently listening to:


JULY 28, 2024

a screenshot of a signal message containing two pictures: one of me in a sweater and hair tucked under a uaw cap and another of some graffiti on a wall by d1

always trying
to look tough
for the armed guards
and the guarded passersby

currently listening to:


JULY 27, 2024

madi sitting in a white hammock in our living room. she has short hair and is wearing a white button-down with small gold hoop earrings in her ears. she is looking at the camera, and is the most beautiful human i've ever seen

on the day
that you came home
i'd been too scared to leave the house

to buy you treats at the
tienda de barrio

i even worried i wouldn't make it
to the airport
to pick you up

leaving becomes like jumping
off a wet and rocky ledge

but then
you were there,
treading water

currently listening to:


JULY 19, 2024

the webcomrade on facetime with a baby doll head

today i learned more about
my new bike
my long hair
the wind sweeping down the ninth

currently listening to:


JULY 17, 2024

an out of focus picture of a poster of a woman sitting out on the curb by the trash

it seems they're trying
to out-asshole each other
in america

go with god among them
that god of many genders

currently listening to:


JULY 13, 2024

a chess board seen from behind the white king

their violence
doesn't count

currently listening to:


JULY 11, 2024

a screenshot of the main character walking in 'the man who stole the sun' (1979)

what can i say
about this picture,
about this man,
walking the tokyo streets
with an atom bomb
in a handbag?

when i was young i felt a power,
concealed, carried,
walked among people
no one the wiser
no one knowing what i'd become

but that weapon has a shelf life
and soon you crack it open
to find your plutonium turned to plums

i've become aware
of another device
armed inside me,
more modest this time,
i myself do not know its force

currently listening to:


JULY 5, 2024

cat leonel looking up in shock

cat leonel with white string on tile floor

every day
he brings us this string

and we try to act appreciative
but we don't understand

it makes us unsure
what else is lost between us

currently listening to:


JULY 4, 2024

a screenshot from the film 'westworld' (1973) showing a gay cowboy robot leaning up against a column on a porch

a screenshot from the film 'westworld' (1973) showing a gay cowboy robot looking down a bar at a character outside of the frame

i love this gay cowboy robot
please do not
shoot him
burn his face with acid
set him on fire

he came to life
at an awkward time
between two violences:
the one that birthed him
and the one he himself must carry out

currently listening to:


a scan of my hand with 'misc.' written on it